MLM Recruiting – Stop Trying So Hard

mlm recruitingWhat is the secret to mlm recruiting? Stop trying so hard. 

I don’t mean that you shouldn’t try hard to build your business. I am suggesting that you shift your focus from mlm recruiting to adding value. Let me explain.

I actually love recruiting. But I never actually think about “mlm recruiting” like so many do. When I run my own ads, I don’t use words like “sign up” or “join me”. I focus, instead, on how I can add value for someone else. Here is the copy from my own capture page promoting The Online Ad Network:

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This copy focuses on what I want to offer my prospects. I want to show them how to generate more leads and close more sales. Those who are interested in finding out more can fill out my form to get the free report.

The same principle applies in face-to-face presentation. When I meet local business owners, I don’t talk to them about joining my mlm. My focus is on finding out how I can help them build their business with email marketing. When they are interested in learning more, we set up a time to talk.

My focus is never on mlm recruiting. It is always (and I mean 100%) on adding value for the people I am talking to. When I do that effectively, they end up doing business with me. Notice my wording: Doing Business.

I see so many people, both online and offline, focused on the concept of mlm recruiting that it is no mystery as to why they are not doing better.

A gentleman I met in a recent business networking breakfast spend several minutes trying to tell everyone how he could help them. The trouble was that he didn’t actually identify anyone that needed the “solution” he was offering. To be courteous, and because I was curious, I asked him more about his presentation. He was so focused on the mom recruiting portion of his talk that he never really offered any sort of value to pique my interest.

Take a moment to look at your own ads.

Take a moment to review your own conversations with face to face prospects.

If your focus isn’t strong on value, make some adjustments. When people sense that you are interested in helping them solve a problem, they are much more inclined to look at what you have to offer. When they sense that you are all about getting that next signup, they are going to do whatever they can to get away from you.

What are some of the best ways you’ve seen folks demonstrate real value in their business presentations?

What are some of your favorite ways to show how you can add value in your presentations?

Share in the comments, below!




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