How Long Does It Take To Make Money Online?

How Long Does It Take To Make Money OnlineAre you wondering, “How Long Does It Take To Make Money Online?”. You’re not alone. When you are looking at starting your own business, the big question is usually, “How quickly can I make money?”. Before you get too excited, let’s look at some facts:

It is impossible to define an average time to profitability for a start-up company because different start-ups will measure profitability in different ways. In conventional terms it can take two to three years, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doing poorly. The entrepreneur can take an income from a company even while it is making a loss on paper, while investors can profit if they are paid back a fixed interest rate on their investment regardless of how the company is doing.

There is a lot of great information in the above article and I highly recommend reviewing it. The focus for this article is that I am seeing far too many people jumping in to internet marketing with the idea that they can somehow just join a program or buy an app, and start rolling in the money.

They spend weeks or maybe even months and when they aren’t showing up on some high income reality show, they give up. And by “give up”, I mean they typically go back to a job market they have been in for years with no hope of ever achieving financial freedom.

They will spend years … even decades … on a job they hate that has NO potential to make them free. But the idea that they should spend years building their business doesn’t make any sense to them.

If you are asking “How Long Does It Take To Make Money Online?“, you are asking a good question. The important part is that you need to be prepared for the real answer. It will absolutely take some time. How much time will be a matter of looking at how much experience you have, how much capital you have for you business, how many hours you will be able to put in to your business each week and more.

Those “overnight success stories” we like reading on Facebook don’t tell you about the years and money spent before you ever heard of that person. They don’t talk about the lost income, the failed experiments,  the campaigns that fell flat, and the projects that just didn’t pan out. They don’t talk about the friends and family members that encouraged them to give up, get a regular job, and stop dreaming.

Today, I am absolutely able to start generating sales revenue in a matter of minutes. But the reason I am able to do that is because of the more than 18 years I have spent learning how to effectively do internet marketing, build my lists, and sell to those lists.

When people ask me, “How Long Does It Take To Make Money Online?” I usually cringe. I ask them if they have any business experience. I ask them what kind of business they want to start. I ask if they have any capital available. I ask how much time they plan to spend on their business each week.

If they have no business experience and/or they don’t know what kind of business they are going to start, things are going to move slower for them than for someone who has experience and a specific goal. They will be spending time learning systems, gathering information, and finding out what works for them.

If they have no capital and very little time, things are going to move even slower.

If you are prepared to put in the time, get through the learning curve, and put in the real work, you may be ready to start making money online. If you are looking for a “quick fix” that comes from joining a program, buying an app, and then waiting on results, prepare for disappointment.



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