How Do I Build My MLM While Holding a Job

build my mlmPeople often ask me, “How do I build my MLM while holding a job?”.

There is no doubt about it. Building any business while you still have your job is very challenging.

When I started my journey over 18 years ago, I was holding multiple jobs, raising 5 kids, and trying to start my business.

A big factor for me was in realizing that I had set a goal to be home with my family more. My wife and I talked it through and we realized that, while I was getting things started, I would be even less available. But this would only last for while. As my business grew, I started firing bosses. I enjoyed telling them, “I can no longer afford to work for you.”. There were many sleepless nights. Quite often, I would work 2-3 days with no sleep.

Today, my kids are grown. When we talk about that time of our lives, they all remember me working hard and knowing that I was working hard so that I would be more available for them in the future. We were able to travel as a family. I was able to be involved in their lives. I have never regretted starting my home based business.

Here are some of the big factors that helped me build my mlm while still holding down multiple jobs:

I knew my “why”. The schedule for an entrepreneur can be challenging to say the least. Building a business while holding down a job (or jobs) is not an easy task. I had a clear picture in my mind of what I wanted and was willing to pay the price to get it done.

I learned to work smarter rather than harder. I found ways to leverage my time. I used online lead generation strategies and autoresponders to follow up with prospects. This way, when prospects got on the phone with me, they were already informed and usually just had a few questions before making their decision.

I had a “no matter what” mindset. So many people I see go in to their business with a “Well, let’s see what happens” mentality. They sign up because the pitch was exciting but they didn’t put any real business thought process to it. I learned something very powerful years ago:

“Successful people make decisions quickly
and then they get to work making sure it was
the right decision.”

What a lot of people do is make a decision to “sign up” and then they hope for the best. Successful business builders go from signing up to learning. They take in the training. They contact their upline. They learn how to build a business. They spend time actually WORKING their plan. I don’t recall spending time “hoping” I could build my mlm. I do remember setting goals, putting together a plan, and executing that plan. I made adjustments along the way, but I never wondered why my upline wasn’t building it for me or what I would do “if it didn’t work out”.

I cut back on the time wasters. This meant everything from spending hours watching TV, hanging out at the bar, etc… I intentionally replaced that time with learning, studying, and marketing.

I cut off some of the time wasters. When you move in to that mode of building your business, you will discover that some of your “friends” are …. “less than supportive”. They would rather see you at the bar with them than watching another training video or doing another presentation. I actually lost some of my friends along the way. Some came back. Others are still just wasting time the same way they did all those years ago.

These were all big contributing factors for me.

I’d love to hear about your own experience of building your business while holding down a job. Comment below to share your experiences.



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