Should You Advertise Your MLM Business Online?

advertise your mlm businessAre you wondering if you should advertise your mlm business? Some say you absolutely should. Others say you really shouldn’t. How do you decide? I think it helps to really understand what advertising is. Advertising is about exposure. When you advertise, you are exposing your product, service, or opportunity to potential prospects.

One of the things you will hear from other successful MLM Professionals is that you need to take any opportunity you have to get exposures. The more people you expose your business to, the more opportunities you have to build your business and your team.

So start by recognizing that advertising is simply an exposure opportunity. As we covered in MLM Advertising Overview, whether you use The Bribe, The Invite, or The Interrupt, you are exposing your offer when you advertise your mlm business.

There are a few key criteria you want to be aware of when you advertise you mlm business. Getting these right will give you a big advantage over the competition.

Give Info Quick When someone sees your ad and clicks through to your offer, they are already putting up their defenses. Don’t overwhelm the m with a sales pitch and try to get them to sign up. Instead, offer a free report, a free sample, some sort of incentive for them so that they are willing to give you their contact info. Using an autoresponder lets you build that “know, like, and trust” factor so that you can convert that skeptical prospect in to a motivated customer or team member.

When they click through, you will have about 3 seconds to get their attention. Use a strong headline to get them to stick around the view your information. Add a clear call to action so they know how to request more information.

Be Patient They may not be looking to make a purchase decision at the moment they click your ad. They may just be curious. This is another reason to use an autoresponder so you can help them get their questions answered. I have had people come back months, or even years later, when they were ready to make a decision. This is why I am such a big believer in “The profit is in the list.”!

Create Ads With Your Prospect In Mind When they click your ad, they are curious AND defensive. Their biggest question is, “What’s in it for me?”. Make sure your ad and your landing page show them the benefits of requesting your information.

Build Credibility When you are consistently advertising, you are building credibility. Recently, a new prospect said to me, “I see your ads all over so I know you are serious about this business.”. It makes sense. If you believe in your business enough to do some advertising, others will notice your commitment.

Be Consistent One of the biggest mistakes I see is when someone runs very few ads for a very limited time. (Refer back to “Be Patient”). I’ve been doing online marketing, full time, for more than 18 years. I still have campaigns that fall last. I have to test, tweak, and test some more. Sometimes, an adjustment to the headline or call to action is all to take. Sometimes, it’s more challenging. Split run testing helps you determine what is and isn’t working with your ads.

Once you find out what is working, stick with it. Let people see your ads consistently.

Start Small If you haven’t tested your ad runs, don’t purchase the biggest ad run you can afford. Start small and test. Once you get your ads dialed in, THEN scale up to bigger ad spends.

Recognize Who You Are Advertising To At the risk of being offensive, I find that it helps when keeping these concepts in mind about most of the people that will be viewing your ads:

1. They are selfish. They will click your ad ONLY to find out what is in it for them.

2. They are defensive. They already don’t trust you (or any advertisers).

3. They are skeptical. They start clicking with the idea of “Prove it to me.”

4. They are busy. They were probably doing something else when they saw your ad.

5. They are probably lazy. If your offer looks hard, or complicated, they are probably gone.

So, should you advertise your mlm business? If you can learn the mindsets shown in this article, and create copy that helps overcome it, you stand a good chance of building your business.

Table Of Contents:

Chapter 1: MLM Advertising Overview
Chapter 2: Should You Advertise Your MLM Business Online?
Chapter 3: How To Get Sales With Advertising
Chapter 4: Wondering Where To Advertise?
Chapter 5: How To Write Headlines That Sell
Chapter 6: Now The Sales Process Begins


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